Green area planned in an urban location.
Examples for "green area"
Examples for "green area"
1The sculpture park is within a large green area called Frogner Park.
2The man was shot in a green area at Barry's Close, Finglas.
3The development comprises two three-storey blocks overlooking a central green area.
4Overlooking a large green area, the four-bedroom house is presented in good decorative order.
5He also drove dangerously at a green area, endangering children who were playing there.
1It was erected near the center of the 'pueblo,' and fronting the open space reserved for public celebrations.
2Once she reached the open space reserved for bar patrons, it was easy to spot the odd man out.
3We will suppose that the spring plantings of trees have been made with open spaces reserved for the favorite games.
1The girl now placed herself in the center of the open space.
2Gatus led the way back into the open space between the ranks.
3We were in an open space in front of the burning ranche.
4He stormed forward, looking for a way out of the too- open space.
5They stopped after a while in an open space in the forest.
1It's chilly, he said, looking undignified in green space thermals and boots.
2Ahead of her lay long sidewalks passing through meticulously tended green space.
3Kano still felt himself lord of the green space round about him.
4The findings for residential proximity to a green space were not conclusive.
5Park: In addition to what been said, bring on board the green space.
1Access to green spaces was defined using the distance from a child's residence to the nearest urban green space.
2Sir, - Urban green space plays a vital role as part of a social prescription programme.
3Conclusion: Poor access to urban green spaces was associated with behavioural problems in 10-year old children.
4Audrey Heyzer is based at the University of Otago, researching how people perceive the urban green spaces around them.
5He called for urban green spaces to be made more easily available for legal raves in light of the pandemic.
Translations for open space reservation